for a digital world
ABN 97 554 706 496
Communication strategies
A strategic approach to project planning helps you:
identify project and collaboration opportunities
assess appropriate resource requirements
choose relevant formats and platforms
ensure adequate opportunities for inclusion and input.
A simple but very effective method for preparing a communication strategy is by using the five W's:
why, what, how, when, and who (to and by).
We guide you in answering these questions with us or via our response template.
Your communication strategy will clearly identify:
Your aims - exactly what you want to achieve, your timeframe and budget. A staged approach is sometimes preferred with larger projects and websites to allow for responsiveness to audience/user feedback.
Your audience, readership, users - who you need to reach and how their attention and interest be captured and maintained? What are their informational needs and expectations? What writing style is likely to appeal? Which social and other media platforms do they use?

The best communication channels, writing style & formats to suit your aims, intended audience and budget. We'll also advise on accessibility standards, legal requirements and provide a checklist so that these important aspects are part of initial planning.
Layout, design and infographic elements for your project to increase the visual impact and enhance clarity for your readers.
We look forward to hearing about your project. Just email and we’ll get right back to you.